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Showing posts from June, 2024

weird things are happening v.189

I don't have much to say. I have a couple unpublished posts that need to be quickly scanned for errors and incomplete sentences that just fall into the ether. I will be 40 in a week. Life is pretty good right now. Staying busy is clearly the key for me to maintain the most consecutive mentally well days in a row. Less time to think about what no longer works in my head.  Peppy turned on the debate last night. This year's debate had a totally different vibe to it, and I don't know if it can be completely attributed to my lack of social media either. Even in real life I haven't heard anyone discussing the debate the same way everyone was in both 2020 and 2016. In 2016 we were traveling, and we got all the west coast opinions at that time. In 2020 we were in the beginning stages of covid and people were definitely talking about the debate. This year? I can't even describe the vibe. Nonexistent? I'm not saying people aren't patriotic and concerned. I'm just

weird things are happening v.188

*Archeologists uncover the  tomb  of the daughter of a high priest with a painting that looks pretty similar to Marge Simpson. It is a well known fact in the conspiracy world that the creators of the Simpsons are high degree masons. * Recycling plastic  is a giant waste of time.  *Statue of  dragon  found during a restoration project on part of the Great Wall of China.  *Study shows  microplastics  are emitted more easily in the heat, which is absolutely fantastic considering people are usually drinking water bottles outside. *I've been seeing lots of these 'my fruit is  plastic ' videos popping up. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and haven't noticed anything weird about the texture. But that isn't to say there isn't plastic food being distributed somewhere. Just always check before you eat something, no matter what it is. *Remember the  monoliths  that started popping up all over the world around 2020? Well, another one recently appeared.  *Oldest manuscri

stream of consciousness

Please do not expect this to have any kind of flow at all, because it definitely does not. It is kind of funny (in a terribly ironic way) to think about the huge push in the trendy tumbler water bottles and then acknowledge all the recent news articles about how dirty our drinking water is. So you can get your water from a plastic bottle and have more of your insides turn into a barbie, or you can drink fluoride and chlorine, and only God knows what else.  But get in those 8 glasses a day, folks!  Maybe we don't really need that much. I'm not saying go the other direction so far that your pee is dark brown, but I'm saying maybe we don't really need 64 ounces of fluoride a day.  Oh man, it really feels like whoever is in charge here is just throwing everything and seeing what sticks. They are literally attacking us from every angle. Our water. Our food. Our minds. Even the air we breathe.  My days are going by so quickly lately. I'm am often tired, but things are ver

weird things are happening v.187

*Harvard researchers claim hidden  UFO civilization  could already be somewhere on earth....or inside the moon. *Solar project will end up destroying thousands of  Joshua trees  in the Mojave Desert.  *Google  AI Overview  is giving some insane answers that seem to be crowd-sourced straight from Reddit. The internet is being filtered (intentionally) and now all the information we look up could possibly be a troll job. But you don't have to take  my  word for it.  *27 of the weirdest things found on  Google Earth . *Ring-shaped  UFOs  spotted. Even some weird  black rings  have been since over Disney Land. Has Blue Beam begun? *Coastguard  ship  collides with underwater object in Lake Superior. *Scientists discover a  marine fungus  that can eat plastic. *Donald Trump appears to be  "Doe 174"  in the unsealed Epstein documents. *Southern Florida experiences record  rainfall  and flash flooding. *Woman falls into  quicksand  at a Maine beach. *The  Southern Baptist Conventi

stream of consciousness

Sunday I was walking up the driveway and I saw tons of vultures hovering above the woods. At one point I counted 20, but I'm sure there were more I couldn't see. As I got closer they began to get higher and higher, although one flew right over me and landed in a tree next to me. I had never seen that many together before. It really felt ominous like The Birds on steroids. I imagined that they were all part of one entity that sometimes comes together to form super vulture. Or maybe that red-eyed flying thing my sister-in-law saw flying into the woods last month. I ran inside to get my phone, because seriously, I have never seen a tornado of vultures swirling around me before. But the closer I got to the house, the higher they flew and by the time I got back outside it was nowhere near as creepy as it had been. What predator was keeping them from descending to the ground? Was it me, or was there something else down there?  I don't live in the same world I grew up in. And no,

weekend stream of consciousness

I was finishing up the book of Numbers this morning and came across this verse: "You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it." -Numbers 5:33 My mind jumped to all of the locations that are known for being especially haunted. What if particular places where bloody acts of violence occurred and ghosts are reported are areas of land that cannot get rest. The vibration of that area is searching out in vain for the perpetrator who shed the blood. So that area of land would not get its atonement until the end of time.  Maybe some areas feel more peaceful than others because there hasn't been any blood shed in that particular area. Maybe you get bad vibes from places because gruesome acts of violence were previously done in that spot. I know I have been in places where I didn't know anything about the history and felt ill a