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Showing posts from July, 2024

stream of consciousness

I've never watched the Olympics in my life. I'm sure there have been times where it has been in the background of wherever I am, but I have never actively given it any attention. I guess my brain doesn't comprehend watching sports in the same way that I cannot understand watching reality shows or watching video game streamers. Play the sport, play the game, sure. But I don't understand the point in any kind of joy out of watching something like that.  Having said all that, yesterday after I got home from the food bank it was raining and Peppy had turned on the opening ceremony, so I thought, "Great! Let's spot some occult symbolism in real time," since I couldn't go outside.  Like I said, I have nothing to compare this particular ceremony to, but it felt sloppy and unprofessional, and the parading boats made me feel like I was at Hollywood Studios watching Fantasmic.  I left the room and started humming to myself when those people who performed "I

weird things are happening v.191

I just want you to take a deep breath and look at these two pictures. Corporate would NOT think these are the same picture. Who else is wearing a mask? I think the biggest tell is watching the mouth when they speak. The jaw ends up moving in a weird way, like someone with a stroke or palsy. Somebody stop me because all I can think is Joe Biden in....."The Mask." Smmmmokin. I did watch a clip of Biden's speech, and I am always baffled how we can have such high def screens, and the quality of video we often get looks straight from 1990 VHS. *3-fingered  alien mummies found in Peru have fingerprints that don't appear human.  *I believe the  Statue of Liberty  is Lucifer. Who's with me?   *Sharks in Brazil test positive for  cocaine.  Fantastic.  *British army tests out  laser beam  that can destroy targets at the speed of light. * Landslide  in Ethiopia kills over 250. *Man  decapitates  seagull for stealing his daughter's fries.  *Twelve year old is accused of

be brave heart lion and not the cowardly lion

I've been noticing a pattern emerging in news stories involving dangerous incidents. I have read multiple times how when the person with the emergency starts calling for help, people just stop what they are doing and stare and do absolutely nothing.  I've seen it happen in real life, so I know it's a thing, and I think there are two main contributing factors. 1) The worldwide chemical lobotomy that a huge chunk of us is unfortunately experiencing, and 2) We have been so conditioned to watch these shock videos through a screen that we are calloused to a real emergency, and we think it is just another video to sit and watch.  Thinking about the implications of these two things combined is downright shocking and heartbreaking.  It is like no one cares, or maybe they are just incapable of caring. Or maybe the connections in peoples' brains are just so screwed up by now that there is zero reaction time for many of us. Reading these stories and noticing the pattern is making

stream of consciousness

Biden broke up with America via a tweet. Doesn't that seem a school to you? It could have felt a little more personal by using the emergency nationwide texting alert system, but this is 2024, and we are going out with a fizzle and definitely not a BANG.  I clearly remember how jarring it felt to me when I first learned years ago that the POTUS had a twitter account. (Maybe twitter is a great source of information. I wouldn't know. I had a short-lived account for a couple weeks but could never get into it. Probably because of the 140 character limit and my hatred for internet abbreviations.) It felt like some line was crossed, and that suddenly the president was lowered to the idiocy of the herd. The manipulation of the emotions of the people were definitely able to be harnessed in a new, innovative way.  Almost like magic. Anyway, in a similar non event as Trump's assassination attempt, the world has remained mostly silent. In a pre-covid world this see

it'll probably start on a Friday

The slow burn of humanity has been smoking for a little while now, but I think this assassination attempt was a signal for something, and whatever is happening is about to really pick up speed.  Here is your cliff notes of what exactly is going on, in the form of an  X-files script  from almost 10 years ago. No, really, if you are still confused as to what is going on in real time, look no further than a two minute read on IMDB. They've been telling us the truth the whole time, but we've just considered it fantasy. Try holding your hands in this position. I just did and to me it is not a natural forming hand formation, but then again, I am not a reptilian overlord. And maybe this hand position is more natural for reptiles. Honestly, I never know what to do with my hands, and I do talk with my hands a lot. I can even do the blood gang sign with my fingers without even thinking, but the triangle doesn't seem natural. Suspicious timing in  St. Louis  hosting a major earthquake

the ringing of the division bell has begun

                           On Saturday night Peppy and I went to see Brit Floyd at Belmont University. He was looking to see if there was any reason to Uber last weekend and happened to see they were playing a school's performing arts center. We sat exactly opposite of where I circled. The location was beautiful, and almost felt like we had been transported back in time. Plus we'd never had seats this good for Brit Floyd before. We have previously decided that higher is better to appreciate all the lights and lasers, but we've never had balcony box seats before.  It felt like a legitimate date because we left with time to spare! I was on a quest for a delicious reuben, and Peppy had promised me that he knew of a great cookie place we could go to before the show. He kind of gave me the Nashville tour, driving around and showing me all the spots he regularly talks about when he ubers. It really was interesting because downtown Nashville has grown so much over the last decade.

weird things are happening v.190

*77  pilot whales  die on a Scotland beach in a large mass stranding.  *Cape Cod experiences the largest mass stranding of  dolphins  in US history.  *My friend sent me a link to the  Gen Z Bible  and asked what I thought. Let me quote some Genesis 6 for you, from before the flood. "And OMG, God looked down on the earth and was like 'yo, humans are straight up wicked AF. God was so bummed and regretted creating humans on earth." I have to wonder if an AI translated this into 'gen z.' *As  glaciers  begin to melt, the bodies of long lost climbers keep popping up out of the melting ice.  *Disputes are made over a ten foot tall  Poseidon  statue in the Gulf of Mexico in Progreso. Why did they put a Greek statue there to begin with? Is this just more erasing of previous cultures?  *Nearly all of AT&Ts cell customers  data  has been exposed in a massive breach. *UK to release thousands of  prisoners  due to overcrowding.  *California  wildfires  have done five time

stream of consciousness/gage's birthday

I'm back to knowing zero about what is going on in the political world, and suddenly everyone is talking about how Biden must have dementia, and I'm thinking, "Seriously!?! Some of you are only now questioning whether something is amiss with our president?"  I don't know. Whatever. I only starting paying attention to politics around eight years ago. I'm glad that door in my brain has closed again and I feel no need to even peek into that fake nonsense.  Yesterday I had to take my car to Pep Boys for a front end alignment. The a/c was out in the building and yes, it was hot, but they had two huge industrial fans blowing, so it wasn't feeling life threatening or anything like that. Especially when there are people legitimately dying in the heat right now. This Karen comes up to the counter and says, "I am really the most patient person I know (*if you say this about yourself you probably aren't*) but I am agitated now and you do NOT want to experien

hello, from the other side of the hill. it looks the same here.

Forty....whoooo....I honestly never thought I'd reach 40. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking. When you're very young it is hard to imagine yourself as an old person, and then when you get middle aged you realize you have no idea how you got here so quickly. Friday morning was weird because there was not much going on in my brain, so I decided I would turn on some music and maybe kickstart it. I have a very hard time picking out music because I never seem to be in the mood for anything specific. Without thinking I went to My Morning Jacket and played "Again." This song had a special meaning in my life ten years ago. I acknowledged that thought and recognized the song, but there was nothing attached to it. My body didn't intuitively begin to dance along. My mind didn't begin to sing in my mind. Instead in my mind I saw the band looking around at each other, confused that they seemed to be in a long empty cavern without anyone else there. You can hear the wron